Welcome to the complete guide to all new Battle for Azeroth mounts. In this post we are going to give you a small guide on how to get all of these new mounts, and if you need further instructions, then just click on the name of the mount to get taken to a complete guide that will give more detailed instructions.
Keep in mind that a lot of this was written during the BfA beta testing, so some of the information might change once Battle for Azeroth is live. We will do out best to keep this as updated as possible, but some of the info might be a bit wrong during the first few days after release.
If you have any additional info, or found anything that is wrong or changed, then please let us know in the comment section, and we will do our best to update the guide as soon as possible.
Underrot Crawg drops from Unbound Abomination, the endboss of the Underrot.
Tomb Stalker drops from King Dazar, the final boss of King's Rest.
Sharkbait drops from Harlan Sweete, the endboss of Freehold.
Expedition Bloodswarmer: Buy the Reins of the Expedition Bloodswarmer from Provisioner Lija in Nazmir once you have Talanji's Expedition - Exalted. The mount costs 10,000 gold. Read Talanji's Expedition reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Cobalt Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Cobalt Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire. It costs 10,000g. Read Zandalari Empire reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Armored Ebony Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Armored Ebony Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire.
Armored Albino Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Armored Albino Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire.
Armored Orange Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Armored Orange Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire.
Dapple Gray Horse: Requires Storm's Wake - Exalted, and at this point you can buy Reins of the Dapple Gray from Sister Lilyana in Stormsong Valley for 10,000 gold. Read Storm's Wake reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Smoky Charger: The Reins of the Smoky Charger can be bough from Quartermaster Alcorn in Drustvar once you are exalted with Order of the Embers, for a total of 10,000 gold. Read Order of the Embers reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Proudmoore Sea Scout: Reins of the Proudmoore Sea Scout requires Proudmoore Admiralty - Exalted. Cost is currently unknown.
Stormsong Coastwatcher: Reins of the Stormsong Coastwatcherrequires Storm's Wake - Exalted. Cost is currently unknown.
Dusky Waycrest Gryphon: Reins of the Dusky Waycrest Gryphon requires Order of Embers - Exalted. Cost is currently unknown.
Dune Scavenger: You get the Dune Scavenger by finding the item Captured Dune Scavenger from any mob in the entire Vol'dun zone.
Leaping Veinseeker: Find the item Reins of a Tamed Bloodfeaster from any mob in the Nazmir zone.
Nazjatar Blood Serpent: This mount can drop from any mob in Stormdong Valley.
Terrified Pack Mule: You get the Terrified Pack Mule by finding the item Chewed-On Reins of the Terrified Pack Mule, which can drop from any mob in Drustvar.
Goldmane: Goldmane's Reins can drop from any mob in Stormsong Valley. It seems to be Bind on Equip, so it can currently be put on the auction house!
Highland Mustang is an Alliance-only mount that drops from Doomrider Helgrim in Go'Shek Farm. He is friendly to horde, so only members of the Alliance can kill him.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 53.97 56.96 Doomrider Helgrim
Broken Highland Mustang is the Horde version of the Highland Mustang, and drops from Knight-Captain Aldrin. He is friendly to the Alliance, so only Horde players will be able to kill this rare. He is located in Dabyrie's Farmstead.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 49.27 40.05 Knight-Captain Aldrin
Lil' Donkey is a drop from Overseer Krix in the Drywhisker Mine.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 33.44 36.94 Overseer Krix Cave Entrance
/way Arathi Highlands 33.04 37.49 Overseer Krix
Witherbark Direwing is a drop from Nimar the Slayer in the Witherbark Village.
Skullripper drops from the rare mob with the same name, found north of Go'shek Farm.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 57.15 45.75 Skullrippe
Swift Albino Raptor drops from Beastrider Kama in Witherbark Village.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 67.06 65.89 Beastrider Kama
The following five mounts can be obtained by doing Island Expeditions:
- Twilight Avenger.
- Squawks.
- Surf Jelly.
- Qinsho's Eternal Hound.
- Craghorn Chasm-Leaper.
Obsidian Krolusk: The Reins of the Obsidian Krolusk will be awarded to players who complete the meta-achievement "Glory of the Warthorn Hero". To get this you will need to defeat a lot of different dungeon bosses on Mythic difficult with some type of twist, as described in the achievements. See the mount guide for the strategies needed for each boss.
The Lightforged Felcrusher is obtained from the Lightforged Draenei recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Lightforged Draenei.
The Starcursed Voidstrider is obtained from the Void Elf recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Void Elves.
The Kul Tiran war-horse is obtained from the Kul Tiran recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Kul Tiran humans.
The Zandalari Direhorn mount is obtained from the Zandalari trolls recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock Zandalari trolls.
The Mag'har Direwolf mount is obtained from the Mag'har recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock Mag'har orcs.
The Highmountain Thunderhoof is obtained from the Highmountain Tauren recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Highmountain taurens.
The Nightborne Manasaber is obtained from the Nightborne recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Nightborne.
There are two Battle for Azeroth Pre-event mounts: the Teldrassil Hippogryph mount for Alliance characters, and the Undercity Plaguebat mount for Horde Characters. These two can only be obtained during the final two weeks of the Pre-event, meaning you have to get them between August 1st and August 14th.
Obtaining them is actually pretty simple, and requires you to complete a faction-specific quest chain that takes you to the northern part of Kalimdor. The quest begins automatically upon logging in to a level 110 character, so just follow it, and you will get the mount at the end of the quest chain.
Frostshard Infernal: The item Biting Frostshard Core teaches you this mount, and to get it you must complete the achievement "No Stable Big Enough", requiring you to have 350 different mounts usable by a single character.
Frenzied Feltalon: Awarded when completing the achievement "A Horde of Hoofbeasts", which require you to have 400 different mounts usable by a single character.
Pureheart Courser: Awarded from completing the achievement "100 Exalted Reputations". Battle for Azeroth adds a lot of new reputations, but it will still be very difficult to get enough exalted reputations to get this mount.
Mighty Caravan Brutosaur: The Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is an interesting mount, and even has a remote Auction House! With this mount you will no longer need to go to a major city to use the Auction House, but it's not like everyone will be getting this mount. You can purchase it from Tricky Nick in Tiragarde Sound as Alliance, or from Talutu in Zuldazar as Horde. The price is 5,000,000 gold though!
Palehide Direhorn: The Reins of the Palehide Direhorn is sold by Tricky Nick in Tiragarde Sound as Alliance, or from Talutu in Zuldazar as Horde (same the for the The Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur), for 500,000 gold.
The Hivemind: The Hivemind is likely tied to a secret (much like Lucid Nightmare), but no one has solved the riddle yet, so you either need to wait, or go ahead and try to be the one who figures it out!
Prestigious Bloodforged Courser: This mount is awarded to players who reach Prestige Level 500. This requires a total of 4,400,000 Honor, so be prepared to play a lot of PvP to get this mount.
Mecha-Mogul Mk2: The Mecha-Mogul Mk2 is an engineering mount that can be made with mats from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. See the mount guide for full info on all the mats and how to get them. This mount is also BoE, so you can buy it of the Auction House instead of crafting it yourself if you want to.
- Vicious War Riverbeast. Alliance only.
- Vicious War Dark Hound. Horde only.
- Vicious War Clefthoof. Horde only.
- Vicious War Basilisk. Alliance only.
The get a Vicious Saddle, you will need to win either 100 3vs3 Rated Arena Matches or 40 Rated Battleground Matches within a single PvP season. You can only get one of these mounts each season, but you are free to buy whichever one you prefer.
Keep in mind that a lot of this was written during the BfA beta testing, so some of the information might change once Battle for Azeroth is live. We will do out best to keep this as updated as possible, but some of the info might be a bit wrong during the first few days after release.
If you have any additional info, or found anything that is wrong or changed, then please let us know in the comment section, and we will do our best to update the guide as soon as possible.
Mythic Dungeon mount drops (3):
There are several Mythic-only Dungeon drop mounts in Battle for Azeroth, and all of these require you to do the dungeon on Mythic difficulty to drop. The key level does not matter. All the mounts are tied to a specific boss in the dungeons, but all of them can also drop the the weekly chest called the Challenger's Cache. It does not matter which Mythic you ran when it comes to this chest, and you can get either of the mounts. The drop rate is around 1 %.Underrot Crawg drops from Unbound Abomination, the endboss of the Underrot.
Tomb Stalker drops from King Dazar, the final boss of King's Rest.
Sharkbait drops from Harlan Sweete, the endboss of Freehold.
Reputation mounts (6 for Horde, 6 for Alliance):
These mounts require you to reach a certain reputation level to buy. Just like in Legion, the main way to get rep with these factions is by doing the story quests, then followed by doing World Quests and Emissaries. Once you buy and learn the mount, then any character (within the faction restriction) can use it.Horde reputation mounts
Alabaster Hyena: Can be bough for 10,000 gold from Goader Jena in Vul'dun once you are exalted with Voldunai. Read Voldunai reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.Expedition Bloodswarmer: Buy the Reins of the Expedition Bloodswarmer from Provisioner Lija in Nazmir once you have Talanji's Expedition - Exalted. The mount costs 10,000 gold. Read Talanji's Expedition reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Cobalt Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Cobalt Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire. It costs 10,000g. Read Zandalari Empire reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Armored Ebony Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Armored Ebony Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire.
Armored Albino Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Armored Albino Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire.
Armored Orange Pterrordax: You can buy the Reins of the Armored Orange Pterrordax from Natal'hakata in Zuldazar once you have reached Exalted with Zandalari Empire.
Alliance reputation mounts
Admiralty Stallion: The Reins of the Admiralty Stallion requires Proudmoore Admiralty - Exalted, and can be bought for 10,000 gold from Provisioner Fray in Tiragarde Sound once you have the required reputation. Read Proudmoore Admiralty reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.Dapple Gray Horse: Requires Storm's Wake - Exalted, and at this point you can buy Reins of the Dapple Gray from Sister Lilyana in Stormsong Valley for 10,000 gold. Read Storm's Wake reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Smoky Charger: The Reins of the Smoky Charger can be bough from Quartermaster Alcorn in Drustvar once you are exalted with Order of the Embers, for a total of 10,000 gold. Read Order of the Embers reputation guide for more info on getting the reputation you need.
Proudmoore Sea Scout: Reins of the Proudmoore Sea Scout requires Proudmoore Admiralty - Exalted. Cost is currently unknown.
Stormsong Coastwatcher: Reins of the Stormsong Coastwatcherrequires Storm's Wake - Exalted. Cost is currently unknown.
Dusky Waycrest Gryphon: Reins of the Dusky Waycrest Gryphon requires Order of Embers - Exalted. Cost is currently unknown.
Zone random drop mounts (5):
The random drop mounts can drop from a huge pool of mounts, meaning that they can be pretty tricky to farm. Most of them are tied to an entire zone, so either farm in this zone, or hope that you get lucky during a World Quest.Dune Scavenger: You get the Dune Scavenger by finding the item Captured Dune Scavenger from any mob in the entire Vol'dun zone.
Leaping Veinseeker: Find the item Reins of a Tamed Bloodfeaster from any mob in the Nazmir zone.
Nazjatar Blood Serpent: This mount can drop from any mob in Stormdong Valley.
Terrified Pack Mule: You get the Terrified Pack Mule by finding the item Chewed-On Reins of the Terrified Pack Mule, which can drop from any mob in Drustvar.
Goldmane: Goldmane's Reins can drop from any mob in Stormsong Valley. It seems to be Bind on Equip, so it can currently be put on the auction house!
Warfront / rare spawn mounts (6 in total, 4 neutral, 2 faction specific):
The Warfront mounts are tied to rare spawns in Arathi Highlands that can only be killed if your faction wins a Warfront. Each rare mob can drop loot once per day, so you can only kill them once daily for a chance for the mounts.Highland Mustang is an Alliance-only mount that drops from Doomrider Helgrim in Go'Shek Farm. He is friendly to horde, so only members of the Alliance can kill him.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 53.97 56.96 Doomrider Helgrim
Broken Highland Mustang is the Horde version of the Highland Mustang, and drops from Knight-Captain Aldrin. He is friendly to the Alliance, so only Horde players will be able to kill this rare. He is located in Dabyrie's Farmstead.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 49.27 40.05 Knight-Captain Aldrin
Lil' Donkey is a drop from Overseer Krix in the Drywhisker Mine.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 33.44 36.94 Overseer Krix Cave Entrance
/way Arathi Highlands 33.04 37.49 Overseer Krix
Witherbark Direwing is a drop from Nimar the Slayer in the Witherbark Village.
Skullripper drops from the rare mob with the same name, found north of Go'shek Farm.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 57.15 45.75 Skullrippe
Swift Albino Raptor drops from Beastrider Kama in Witherbark Village.
Coordinates: /way Arathi Highlands 67.06 65.89 Beastrider Kama
Island Expedition mounts (5):
The Island Expeditions have some nice rewards, including 5 unique mounts. All of these (along with many pets, toys and transmogs) can be obtained randomly when you win an Island Expedition, so unless something changes, the best strategy to getting them is to farm as many Island Expeditions as possible and hope for the best.The following five mounts can be obtained by doing Island Expeditions:
- Twilight Avenger.
- Squawks.
- Surf Jelly.
- Qinsho's Eternal Hound.
- Craghorn Chasm-Leaper.
Raid and dungeon mounts (2):
Bloodgorged Crawg: This mount is a reward for completing "Glory of the Uldir Raider". This meta-achievement require a raid group to defeat the various bosses of Uldir with a special strategy. See the mount guide for detailed instructions on each achievement in the meta-achievement.Obsidian Krolusk: The Reins of the Obsidian Krolusk will be awarded to players who complete the meta-achievement "Glory of the Warthorn Hero". To get this you will need to defeat a lot of different dungeon bosses on Mythic difficult with some type of twist, as described in the achievements. See the mount guide for the strategies needed for each boss.
Allied Race mounts (8 in total; 4 for each faction):
All the Allied Race mounts will unlock for all characters of that faction when you complete the recruitment scenario for the Allied Race. So just complete the requirements, do the recruitment scenario, and you get the mount.Alliance Allied Race mounts
The Dark Iron Core Hound mount is obtained from the Dark Iron Dwarf recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock Dark Iron Dwarfs.The Lightforged Felcrusher is obtained from the Lightforged Draenei recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Lightforged Draenei.
The Starcursed Voidstrider is obtained from the Void Elf recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Void Elves.
The Kul Tiran war-horse is obtained from the Kul Tiran recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Kul Tiran humans.
Horde Allied Race mounts
The Zandalari Direhorn mount is obtained from the Zandalari trolls recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock Zandalari trolls.
The Mag'har Direwolf mount is obtained from the Mag'har recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock Mag'har orcs.
The Highmountain Thunderhoof is obtained from the Highmountain Tauren recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Highmountain taurens.
The Nightborne Manasaber is obtained from the Nightborne recruitment scenario. Click to read how to unlock the Nightborne.
Battle for Azeroth Pre-event mounts (2):

Obtaining them is actually pretty simple, and requires you to complete a faction-specific quest chain that takes you to the northern part of Kalimdor. The quest begins automatically upon logging in to a level 110 character, so just follow it, and you will get the mount at the end of the quest chain.
Other Battle for Azeroth mounts (7):
Darkforge Ram: The Darkforge Ram is only useable by Dark Iron Dwarf Paladins, and these get the mount automatically when they create a new Dark Iron Dwarf.Frostshard Infernal: The item Biting Frostshard Core teaches you this mount, and to get it you must complete the achievement "No Stable Big Enough", requiring you to have 350 different mounts usable by a single character.
Frenzied Feltalon: Awarded when completing the achievement "A Horde of Hoofbeasts", which require you to have 400 different mounts usable by a single character.
Pureheart Courser: Awarded from completing the achievement "100 Exalted Reputations". Battle for Azeroth adds a lot of new reputations, but it will still be very difficult to get enough exalted reputations to get this mount.
Mighty Caravan Brutosaur: The Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is an interesting mount, and even has a remote Auction House! With this mount you will no longer need to go to a major city to use the Auction House, but it's not like everyone will be getting this mount. You can purchase it from Tricky Nick in Tiragarde Sound as Alliance, or from Talutu in Zuldazar as Horde. The price is 5,000,000 gold though!
Palehide Direhorn: The Reins of the Palehide Direhorn is sold by Tricky Nick in Tiragarde Sound as Alliance, or from Talutu in Zuldazar as Horde (same the for the The Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur), for 500,000 gold.
The Hivemind: The Hivemind is likely tied to a secret (much like Lucid Nightmare), but no one has solved the riddle yet, so you either need to wait, or go ahead and try to be the one who figures it out!
Battle for Azeroth PvP mounts (2):
Conquerer's Scythemaw: The Conquerer's Scythemaw is obtained by completing the achievement "Conqueror of Azeroth". This is a meta-achievement tied to various objectives that can only be completed with War Mode.Prestigious Bloodforged Courser: This mount is awarded to players who reach Prestige Level 500. This requires a total of 4,400,000 Honor, so be prepared to play a lot of PvP to get this mount.
Battle for Azeroth profession mounts (2):
Great Sea Ray: The Great Sea Ray is an aquatic mount that can be fished up randomly when fishing in any Battle for Azeroth zone. You do not need to fish in a pool to get it, so there is no way to really farm this except for just fishing anywhere.Mecha-Mogul Mk2: The Mecha-Mogul Mk2 is an engineering mount that can be made with mats from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. See the mount guide for full info on all the mats and how to get them. This mount is also BoE, so you can buy it of the Auction House instead of crafting it yourself if you want to.
BfA Vicious War Mounts (2 Horde + 2 Alliance):
The Battle for Azeroth Vicious War Mounts can be purchased for 1 x Vicious Saddle in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. The following new mounts are added in Battle for Azeroth:- Vicious War Riverbeast. Alliance only.
- Vicious War Dark Hound. Horde only.
- Vicious War Clefthoof. Horde only.
- Vicious War Basilisk. Alliance only.
The get a Vicious Saddle, you will need to win either 100 3vs3 Rated Arena Matches or 40 Rated Battleground Matches within a single PvP season. You can only get one of these mounts each season, but you are free to buy whichever one you prefer.
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