How to get the Moze VIP Conventional Reppin' Skin (Borderlands 3)

The Moze VIP Conventional Reppin' Skin is a cosmetic skin for Moze in Borderlands 3, and in order to get it you must participate in the Borderlands 3 VIP program prior to the launch of the game. To get started sign up (or log in with your SHiFT account) by clicking here. Once you are in, you can do a variety of Borderlands related activities to gain points. Each activity typically gives you between 100 and 500 points, and you will need a total of 3,000 points to get Moze VIP Conventional Reppin' Skin.

Once you have the 3,000 points in the Borderlands 3 VIP program, go to the same website, click on the Insiders->Rewards menu (or click here) and look for Moze VIP Conventional Reppin' Skin. Click on it, confirm that you want to spend the 3,000 points on it, and it will be permanently added to your account. Now just log in with the same SHiFT account in-game in Borderlands 3 to get the skin unlocked. And that's all you need to do in order to unlock Moze VIP Conventional Reppin' Skin in Borderlands 3.
